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Does your child sleep poorly?

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What are the signs of sleep disordered breathing in children?

Children experiencing sleep disordered breathing typically exhibit various symptoms during their sleep. They might snore loudly, experience pauses in breathing, and struggle with breathing patterns, often accompanied by choking, gasping, or snorting. Restlessness and sweating during sleep might also occur. Mouth breathing instead of nasal breathing is common, along with waking up with headaches, a blocked nose, and challenges in appetite and swallowing. During the day, they might feel excessively sleepy, face behavioral challenges, and struggle with concentration in school. Additionally, they may have difficulty falling asleep initially and frequently wake up throughout the night, impacting the quality of their sleep and overall well-being. 

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There are several ways to treat this; from lifestyle changes, to simple splints, all the way to complex devices and surgeries. The best treatment will depend on your unique circumstances.

How is sleep disordered breathing treated?

Sleep Disordered Breathing 

 In Children Effects

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the most common are behavioral and cognitive issues, poor immune system, cardiovascular issues, behavioral and emotional problems and development problems. 

What are the risk factors of sleep disordered breathing in children?

Depending on the cause and the treatment method, relief can be almost instantaneous - though results may vary between individuals. Contact Dr Acker today for a consultation to discuss your individual case.

How long does it take to treat sleep disordered breathing?

How do I find out if I have sleep disordered breathing?

A diagnosis of sleep disordered breathing requires a formal assessment by a healthcare professional. Dr Steve Acker and his team have over 35 years of experience helping pediatric patients sleep better at night and reducing the symptoms of sleep disordered breathing and snoring. Contact them today so they can get you started on the journey of restful sleep and better health.

During the day, they might feel excessively sleepy, face behavioral challenges, and struggle with concentration in school.

2%-3% of American children have sleep disordered breathing

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Growth Delays

Cognitive Delays

Chronic Fatigue

Pediatric sleep disordered breathing is a sleep disorder in which your child's breathing is partially or completely blocked during sleep. It can happen several times a night. The condition occurs when the upper airway narrows or is blocked during sleep.
While adults usually have daytime sleepiness, children are more likely to have behavioral problems. The cause in adults is often obesity, while in children it's often larger than usual adenoids and tonsils. The adenoids are two small pads of tissue found in the back of the nose. The tonsils are two oval-shaped pads in the back of the mouth.

Children with 

Sleep Disordered Breathing

Sleeping better starts tonight.


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Sleep Disordered Breathing  Consultation

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in 5 easy steps

Complete our Lamberg Questionnaire to explore how your breathing patterns might affect your oral health. Your answers will guide us in providing specialized care for your well-being.

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Completing our Patient Information Sheet sets the stage for personalized care. Your details help us understand your unique needs and concerns, ensuring a more effective consultation.

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Your dental history is the roadmap to your oral health. Sharing this information allows us to better understand your dental experiences and craft a customized plan for your care.

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Your medical history is a crucial piece of the puzzle for comprehensive care. Providing this information ensures we consider all aspects of your health when designing your treatment plan.

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Sharing pictures or videos gives us a visual understanding of your oral health. This extra insight allows us to tailor our advice specifically to your needs during the consultation.

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