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Sleep poorly? Snore loudly?

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What are the signs of Sleep Disordered Breathing?

There are many signs of sleep disordered breathing. Loud snoring is the most obvious. People may also report that you stop breathing or have episodes of gasping for air when you sleep. Awakening with a dry mouth or a morning headache are other potential signs. One may also notice trouble staying asleep and excessive daytime sleepiness, as well as difficulty concentrating when awake - these signs may be a result of tiredness from low quality sleep.

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There are several ways to this, from lifestyle changes, to simple splints, all the way to complex devices and surgeries. The best treatment will depend on your unique circumstances.

How is sleep disordered breathing treated?

Sleep Disordered Breathing Health Risks

Increased risk of heart failure

Increased risk of stroke

Increased risk of coronary heart disease

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many risk factors for sleep apnea. Some of the most common are older age, weight gain, family history, genetics, and certain lifestyle factors like drinking alcohol before bed.

What are the risk factors of sleep disordered breathing?

Depending on the cause and the treatment method, relief can be almost instantaneous - though results may vary between individuals. Contact Dr Acker today for a consultation to discuss your individual case.

How long does it take to treat sleep disordered breathing?

How do I find out if I have Sleep Disordered Breathing?

A diagnosis of sleep disordered breathing requires a formal assessment by a healthcare professional. Dr Steve Acker and his team have over 35 years of experience helping patients sleep better at night and reducing the symptoms of sleep apnea and snoring. Contact them today so they can get you started on the journey of restful sleep and better health.

They also report unintentionally falling asleep during the day, which can significantly impact quality of life. It’s also a major risk factor when driving.

40% of Americans get six hours or less a night

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Most people think of snoring as nothing more than a nuisance to roommates or bed partners. Loud and persistent snoring, however, can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep disordered breathing occurs when the tongue and soft palate collapse onto the back of the throat. This blocks the upper airway – causing you to hold your breath. Your body will then wake you up so you can resume breathing. This can reoccur hundreds of times in a single night.

Snoring and Sleep Disordered Breathing

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Sleeping better starts tonight.


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Sleep Disordered Breathing Consultation

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in 5 easy steps

Complete our Lamberg Questionnaire to explore how your breathing patterns might affect your oral health. Your answers will guide us in providing specialized care for your well-being.

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Completing our Patient Information Sheet sets the stage for personalized care. Your details help us understand your unique needs and concerns, ensuring a more effective consultation.

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Your dental history is the roadmap to your oral health. Sharing this information allows us to better understand your dental experiences and craft a customized plan for your care.

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Your medical history is a crucial piece of the puzzle for comprehensive care. Providing this information ensures we consider all aspects of your health when designing your treatment plan.

Provide Medical History

Sharing pictures or videos gives us a visual understanding of your oral health. This extra insight allows us to tailor our advice specifically to your needs during the consultation.

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When you book your appointment, our team will provide you with all the documentation to prepare for your appointment.